Master Section

Auto Trim

The commercially released audio files that you will be importing into FREQUIA or playing through music software will likely peak at or near 0 dBFS. Applying a high-shelf boost, for example, would normally cause the level of such a file to clip (distort). FREQUIA’s Auto Trim control feature automatically monitors the output level and reduces the level pre-equalization as needed to prevent clipping.

The Auto Trim control can also be manually adjusted to provide up to 40dB of gain reduction; however, it will always reduce the level of the signal if it is clipping.

Auto Trim control

Enable / disable Left and Right channels

The left and right channels can be independently enabled/disabled using the buttons shown below.

Left and Right channel enable / disable buttons

Playing mono files / monitoring in mono

If you imported a mono audio file, click on the Stereo/Mono button to change playback from stereo (default) to mono. This will ensure that the mono file is heard through both left and right channels.

Stereo / Mono button

Polarity Invert

FREQUIA features a polarity invert button that inverts the polarity of the right channel. When combined with mono playback (see above), you can listen to stereo tracks in ‘out of phase mono’, which can be quite revealing.

Polarity Invert button


This button, as you would expect, mutes the audio output. It does not, however, impact the meters.

Mute button


FREQUIA’s Left and Right meters are post-trim, post-equalization, and post-fader; they are the last component in the signal path. Thanks to Auto Trim, you’ll only ever see a peak (red) on the meters for a moment, after which Auto Trim will automatically reduce the level pre-equalization to prevent clipping.

Left and Right dBFS meters

Master Fader

The Master Fader controls the level post-trim and post-equalization. It provides up to +10dB of gain. To reset the fader to 0 (Unity Gain), click on the 0 marker.

Master Fader

Last updated